Ci-Dell Blog
Not All Plastics are Polluters: The Sustainable Advantage of Thermoset Polymers
Pollution from plastic consumer packaging has become a serious environmental concern around the world. However, some industrial plastics are actually sustainable options for making parts on durable goods. Thermoset plastics are highly strong and long lasting, so they’re less likely to fail and end up in a landfill. These performance characteristics make thermoset a smarter…
Read MoreCi-Dell Brings Legacy Parts Back to Life for Defense Contractor
The U.S. military is implementing next generation missile defense radar to detect stealthier weapon technology. One major defense contractor is installing new over-the-horizon radar arrays equipped with AI and machine learning in an undisclosed location. These arrays are in open field areas and comprised of hundreds of antennae, each mounted on a 17-ft long pole.…
Read MoreImproving energy efficiency in thermoset plastic molding
Plastic molding is an energy-intense process, so finding ways to reduce energy consumption can be challenging. Ci-Dell has been on a 2-year mission to improve the energy-efficiency of its facility, thus reducing its environmental impact and cutting utility costs wherever possible. Most of the energy savings has resulted from replacing older shop equipment with advanced,…
Read MoreCi-Dell’s NIST 800-171 Compliance for DoD Suppliers Extends Cybersecurity for All Customers
The prevalence of IIoT and digitizing the factory floor has provided many efficiencies and cost-saving benefits to manufacturers, but it has also created a potential vulnerability to cyber-attacks. When choosing a thermoset molding partner, it’s important to ensure they are following the highest standards of cybersecurity. After all, bad actors are going to look for…
Read More5 applications of thermoset resins
Thermoset resins are among the toughest materials in the world of plastics. They are ideal for applications that require dimensional stability, high heat resistance, electrical insulating properties, corrosion resistance and creep resistance. They are also frequently used to replace metal because they combine exceptional toughness with light weight. But many engineers aren’t aware of what…
Read MoreHow a design review can help you avoid part quality problems
Conducting a design review early in your part design process is a critical step to avoid manufacturing and quality problems later. What is a design review? A comprehensive analysis of your part and tooling design to optimize them for manufacturability. It also involves deciding on the most cost-effective material and process to produce your parts.…
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